HR/Payroll Software

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HR/Payroll Software

  • Monthly Payroll
  • TDS Filing
  • ESI Filing
  • PF Filing

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Payroll/HR management processing

what is payroll/HR management?

Payroll/HR management refers to the processes and practices involved in managing an organization’s workforce, including the administration of employee benefits, payroll processing, employee record-keeping, and compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Payroll management specifically involves the calculation and distribution of employee salaries and wages, including deductions for taxes, benefits, and other payroll-related expenses. This process can be complex and time-consuming, involving tasks such as tracking employee hours, calculating taxes and deductions, and ensuring compliance with government regulations.

HR management, on the other hand, involves the management of various aspects of the employee lifecycle, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, career development, and employee engagement. It also includes the administration of employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Both payroll and HR management are essential functions in any organization, as they help to ensure that employees are properly compensated and supported in their roles, while also ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Effective payroll and HR management can help to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention, which can have a positive impact on an organization’s bottom line.

Payroll processing and HR management
Payroll ProcessingHR Management
Calculation and distribution of employee paychecksRecruitment and onboarding of new employees
Tracking employee hours and time offPerformance management and career development
Calculation and deduction of taxes and other payroll-related expensesAdministration of employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans
Compliance with labor laws and regulationsEmployee engagement and retention initiatives
Maintenance of accurate employee recordsEnsuring workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion
Processing employee expense reimbursementsConducting exit interviews and managing employee departures
Managing payroll-related inquiries and disputesConducting workplace investigations and addressing employee complaints
Collaboration with finance and accounting teamsCollaboration with managers and department heads to support workforce planning

Pre/ post –



  1. Defining payroll policy: The first step is to establish policies related to the payroll process, such as the Pay policy, Attendance policy, leave and benefits policy, and more. These policies need to be approved by management to become standards.

  2. Gathering inputs: Inputs from various departments are gathered to ensure accurate calculation of the payroll. These inputs include employee income tax declarations, salary structures, eligibility for benefits, deduction for recoveries, attendance data, and more.

  3. Input validation: It is necessary to verify the validity of the gathered data to avoid errors in the payroll process. This involves checking that the list contains only active employees, that the data adheres to company policy, and that it is in the correct format.

  4. Payroll calculation: Once validated, the input data is fed into the payroll system for actual payroll processing. This step involves adjusting necessary taxes and other deductions to arrive at the net pay.

  5. Reconciliation: After the payroll process is complete, it’s important to reconcile the values and verify accuracy to avoid further errors.

  6. Post-payroll: After payroll processing, it’s necessary to comply with statutory deductions like EPF, TDS, ESI and pay them to the respective authorities or government bodies. Payroll accounting must also be maintained accurately in the books of accounts.

  7. Payout: Once compliance and accounting are complete, salaries can be paid to employees through cash, cheque or bank transfer. It’s advisable to have salary accounts for hassle-free transfers.

  8. Report: Preparing an accurate report containing department or location-wise employee cost is the final step of the pre-payroll process.

methods of payroll management

There are several methods of payroll management, including:

  1. Manual Payroll: This involves calculating payroll manually using spreadsheets, pen and paper, or other similar methods. This method can be time-consuming and prone to errors, but it may be suitable for small businesses with few employees.

  2. Payroll Software: This method involves using specialized software to automate the payroll process. This can help reduce errors and save time by automating calculations, deductions, and other processes.

  3. Outsourcing Payroll: This involves outsourcing payroll processing to a third-party payroll service provider. This can be beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that lack the expertise or resources to manage payroll in-house.

  4. Cloud-based Payroll: This method involves using cloud-based software to manage payroll, allowing employees to access their payroll information from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be beneficial for businesses with remote workers or employees who work from home.

  5. Mobile Payroll: This method involves using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to manage payroll. This can be beneficial for businesses with mobile workers or employees who work in the field.

The choice of payroll management method will depend on various factors, including the size of the organization, the number of employees, the complexity of the payroll process, and the available resources.

Challenges in Handling Payroll Management Process
ComplianceKeeping up with constantly changing regulations and laws related to payroll can be challenging. It requires a good understanding of tax laws, employment laws, and other regulations to ensure compliance with all requirements.
Data SecurityPayroll data contains sensitive and confidential information, such as employee social security numbers and bank account details. Ensuring the security of this data is crucial to prevent data breaches and identity theft.
AccuracyCalculating payroll accurately can be a challenge due to various factors such as changes in tax laws, employee benefits, and overtime pay. Even a minor error can lead to legal and financial consequences.
Time ManagementProcessing payroll can be time-consuming, especially for organizations with a large number of employees. It requires collecting and verifying data, calculating payroll, and distributing paychecks or direct deposits. Managing all these tasks within a tight deadline can be a challenge.
Employee CommunicationEmployees often have questions related to their paychecks, taxes, and benefits. Providing clear and timely communication is crucial to maintain employee satisfaction and trust.
IntegrationIntegrating payroll systems with other HR and accounting software can be a challenge. It requires ensuring that all systems communicate effectively and that data is synchronized across all platforms.
CostInvesting in payroll software, outsourcing payroll, or hiring a dedicated payroll professional can be expensive, especially for small businesses. Balancing cost and efficiency can be a challenge for organizations of all sizes.
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HR & Payroll Software FAQ’s

  1. What is included in Payroll activities?

Payroll activities include gathering attendance data for a specific month to accurately capture the pays and attendance of employees. This also involves collecting details of new employees and employees who have left, the salary structure of new joiners, and their bank account details. Additionally, any advances or incentives to be paid and any special changes to the salary structure are included in payroll activities.

  1. Is payroll part of HR and Accounting?

Yes, payroll is a function that falls under both the HR and finance departments.

  1. Who prepares Payroll?

The payroll is prepared by the HR department as they maintain the attendance and overtime records of employees. The accounts department is responsible for processing the payment and seeking approval from the head of the agency or representative.


Related Business Registrations

In addition to registration or incorporation, a business may require other registrations depending on the business activity undertaken. Talk to an Advisor to find out registrations your business may require post registration.

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